Small But Certain Happiness
Life can get pretty busy sometimes, right? We're often swamped with things we have to do, leaving us little time to enjoy the good stuff. But every now and then, life reminds us to slow down and notice the happy moments all around us. It could be a song, watching the rain from your porch, or finding something that brings back good memories. I remember one of these moments not long ago. I had finished my errands and was heading back to my car, lost in my thoughts about all the stuff I still had to do. As I looked up, I saw an anime store nearby, something I'd seen before but never really paid attention to. This time, though, something caught my eye. A couple came out of the store, both looking super happy. They were holding a model kit, but it wasn't the kit that made me smile—it was how happy they looked. Their joy was infectious, and even though I didn't know them, I couldn't help but feel happy too. Their happiness made me think: what makes me that happy? What s...